Revolutionary Relationships VIP Program

This program, combined with personal couples-coaching is one of its kind. It is truly Revolutionary!​

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Are you ready to revolutionize your relationship?

Revolutionary Relationships is a truly unique program for couples who want to go on a journey together to reset their relationship.

This program will help you move past those ever returning conflicts and triggers, to learn how to truly communication, or create a new, deep and lasting connection, build intimacy and to spice up and aliven your sexuality with a new flow of erotic passion.

Truly connecting with one and other emotionally, verbally, sexually and spiritually and bring back that aliveness into your relationship.

This is such an incredible experience.

The program is based on tools and experiences. In each coaching session you will receive a new easy to apply tool to dive into a new experience together.

If you really set an intention, to show up for the private couples coaching sessions, schedule your weekly self practices and couple practices, and incorporate the tools you will receive after each session...

Then you will start to experience, amazing connection, deep trust, way more intimacy, mind blowing sex together and experience things you now may think of as impossible in your own body and relationship. You will experience that revolution in your relationship you have been dreaming off!

In this program both of you will receive 7 self-practices each. These practices you do on your own so you create that deep love and intimacy with yourself first. We all must have heard the phrase: ”you have to love yourself before you can love someone else”

The same accounts for intimacy. So in the 7 self-practice sessions, which are different for women and men, you will step into the empowerment of self-love and self- intimacy in a fun and playful way.

We also probably have heard the phrase: “you cannot change someone else you can only change yourself” So that the second reason we have these self-practices, because truly you are the only one who can change you, you are the only one who can allow you to step into your own best possible version of yourself.

Then there will also be 3 couples practices, that will lay the foundation for deep communication, deep trust and deep intimacy, that forms the basis of a healthy, strong and alive relationship.

Next to the course material you find here, you will receive 9 private couples coaching sessions either online or on location in the heart of the center of Amsterdam.

These 9 couples coaching sessions will help to bring insight into eachothers and your own stressors, conditionings, patterns, core wounds and needs, so you will be able together to step out of the returning patterns in your relationship, to help and support each other in this growth and transformation, so your relationship will become a place where you support each other in become your highest possible self. With that your relationship becomes your spiritual practice to bring in joy and aliveness in your lives. In such fun way.

Really truly it will bring a transformational revolution! And it is incredibly amazing.

If you feel this is a journey you and your partner want to take together then get in touch for your FREE orientation session with me!

Your Instructor

Marianne van Katwijk
Marianne van Katwijk

About Marianne (voor Nederlandse vertaling zie onderaan)

Marianne van Katwijk is a psychologist with a specialization in Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching. She is one of the top 1% of holistic and Integrated Sexuality Coaches in the world, and works as a professional coach with individuals, couples and groups.

She obtained her masters degree in Social Psychology, specializing in Positive Psychology and Solution Based Coaching. She is a graduate of Layla Martin's Tantric School of Integrated Sexuality and is a certified Reiki Master & Teacher in both the Usui tradition and Tera Mai tradition. Marianne has had extensive training at the International Academy of Consciousness.

She is a Jade Egg Expert and the founder and developer of Yoni Yoga, a new form of yoga with a focus on unleashing the

power and energy of the female yoni. Marianne is dedicated to women’s empowerment and leads workshops and retreats around the world centered on sensual confidence and awakening desire from within. Her work is know to not only transform her clients intimate lives and relationships but reaches into all areas of her clients everyday lives.

Marianne herself had been searching for ways to help her wake up pleasure, desire, confidence and aliveness in her life. She literally has been traveling all over the world for many years to find ways to truly give her a deep lasting and authentic feelings of playfulness, pleasure and confidence in life.

Her soul was longing to experience real confidence in all aspects of her life. Marianne wanted to feel deeply alive inside her own body and confident in her sexuality.

"I want to share with all of you women out there that are suffering or searching right now, that I have been feeling the same. I want all of you to know that it is possible to feel deeply alive in your own body, and to experience sensual and sexual confidence. As you are reading this I know you are one of them. I also know that you are not broken, that you are perfectly fine as the woman that you are. All you need is some guidance and some simple yet powerful tools to tap into your own wild ecstatic fire".


Over Marianne

Marianne van Katwijk is een psycholoog gespecialiseerd in Sex, Love & Relationship Coach. Ze is een van de top 1% professionele seksualiteits-coaches ter wereld die op een holistische manier werkt met individuen, echtparen en groepen.

Ze behaalde haar master in Sociale Psychologie, gespecialiseerd in positieve psychologie en Solution Based Coaching. Ze is afgestudeerd aan de Tantric School of Integrated Sexuality van Layla Martin en is een gecertificeerde Reiki-Master en -leraar in zowel de Usui-traditie als de Tera Mai-traditie. Marianne heeft een uitgebreide opleiding gevolgd aan de International Academy of Consciousness.

Ze is een Jade-Ei expert en de oprichter en ontwikkelaar van YoniYoga, een nieuwe vorm van yoga met een focus op het ontwaken van de kracht en energie van de vrouwelijke Yoni. Marianne is toegewijd aan de empowerment van vrouwen en leidt workshops en retraites over de hele wereld, gericht op sensueel zelfvertrouwen en bewustwording van binnen uit. Haar werk is niet alleen gericht om haar klanten hun intieme levens en relaties te transformeren, maar reikt uit naar alle vlakken van het leven van haar klanten.

Marianne heeft vele jaren over de hele wereld gereisd om manieren te vinden, en technieken te verzamelen om haarzelf een diep en authentieke gevoel van speelsheid, plezier en vertrouwen in het leven te geven en zich vol levendigheid in haar eigen lichaam te voelen en zelfverzekerd in haar seksualiteit. De verschillende technieken en oefeningen die ze verzameld heeft, gebruikt ze in haar werk als coach, docent en trainer.

"Ik wil de vrouwen die dit lezen laten weten dat ik me hetzelfde heb gevoeld. Ik wil graag alle vrouwen laten weten, die zoekende zijn of in stilte lijden, dat ik mij ook zo heb gevoeld. Ik wil graag dat je weet dat het ook voor jou mogelijk is om je vol levendigheid in je eigen lichaam te voelen, en om sensueel en seksueel zelfvertrouwen te ervaren. Ik weet dat jij een van die dames bent, omdat jij dit nu leest. Ik weet ook dat der niets mis is met jou en je vrouw zijn. Al wat jij nodig hebt is de juiste begeleiding en eenvoudige krachtige tools om je eigen innerlijke wilde extatische vuur te laten branden”


Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!